Membership Criteria

Criteria for Membership in the HDDC

Full Members

Full Members are independently funded by NIH R-series, K-series, PO1, UO1, or equivalent government, foundation, or industry grants. (This criterion is established by the NIDDK.)

Associate Members

Associate Members do not currently have independently-funded grants. They are generally on a path to independence and may be funded by Pilot-Feasibility or other mentored non-independent grants (NIH F-series, or equivalent foundation or industry fellowship grants). New faculty recruits may also have institutional funding.

All HDDC Full and Associate Members are:

  • Engaged in basic research aimed at elucidating normal and abnormal GI function at the cellular and molecular level, and consistent with one or more of the research Themes of the HDDC.

  • Intellectually engaged and actively participating in the HDDC.

  • Faculty members at HMS, HMS-affiliated institutions, or neighboring institutions participating in the HDDC.
  • Using HDDC Cores (unless with justified and approved exceptions).

Clinical Associates

All HDDC Clinical Associates are:

  • Conducting clinical or translational research that benefits from keeping abreast of advances in the basic biology and pathology of the GI Tract and interaction with HDDC members.

  • Providing human materials and/or clinical collaborations that facilitate and guide the research of HDDC Full Members.

  • Faculty members at HMS or an HMS-affiliated institution.

  • Participating in or using HDDC Clinical Biostatistics or Bio-Repository Services.